Rockville Metro Club was established in 1981 in Lincoln Park near the Rockville Metro Station. Currently at its 5th location, Rockville Metro has helped many people find a new way of life. With over thirty meetings a week, Rockville Metro has meetings to suit all your needs, 7 days a week. Please click on the Meeting Times button for our current schedule. Rockville Metro Club also has numerous social functions including dances, cookouts, camping trips, and many other activities that create an atmosphere conducive to fellowship and recovery. You can use this site to find when our meetings are for AA, NA, CA, MA and Al-Anon.
Map and Directions
To The Rockville Metro Club 495 to Rockville Pk (355) north toward Rockville. Go Right on Twinbrook Parkway. Take 2nd right onto Parklawn. Then 1st Right onto Washington Ave. Rockville Metro is beyond the top of the Hill on the Left, at the corner of Washington Ave and Frederick Ave. 5-10 minute walk from Twinbrook Metro Station (red line)
Our primary purpose is to help the recovering alcoholic achieve and maintain sobriety.
We also host Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Marijuana Anonymous meetings in our clubhouse.
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. ® has not approved, endorsed, or reviewed this website, nor is it affiliated with it, and the ability to link to A.A.’s site does not imply otherwise.
...and in the spirit of Tradition Six, Rockville Metro Club Inc. LLC. ® is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution.
January 30th 2017
We finally have a pro webmaster! (yAy)
Very soon, they will have a brand-new (mobile friendly) website for you to traverse!
We appologize for any inconvinience the old website may have caused!
TOTAL RESET There has been a changing of the Guard at Rockville Metro Club, Judy J is now Club President! Her phone number is 410-935-9204 for suggestions, comments and concerns! She works evenings so please make sure to leave a message if she doesn’t answer! We are doing a total reset! Judy has contacted commercial real Estate folks to help look for a new RMC home ASAP, and would love your input, involvement and feedback! Please come do so at our monthly board meetings which are now open to all who care for RMC! All help and ideas are welcome!! Judy looks forward to seeing you all there on the Second Sunday of every month at 12:30pm or if the date is changed it will be announced, posted on our Facebook page, or we will post a notice!
Judy J ~President
Feb 9th, 2025
BOARD MEETING The board mtg scheduled for 2/9/2025 is postponed to Sun Feb 16th 2025 due to personal conflicts of the board.
Mark Roberts ~President
Jan 6th, 2025
WEATHER Rockville Metro Club follows the Montgomery County School system for closures. If the schools are closed, then so is the club. Also, if there is a 'delay' of any sort, the club will be closed for that whole day.
Mark Roberts ~President
Nov 6th, 2024
The board has just extended our lease at our current location until July 2025! Thank you all for your support and patience. Oct 15 message, below, is still active.
Mark Roberts ~President
Oct 15th, 2024
The board of Directors are actively looking for a new space in Rockville for RMC to call home We are looking for 2500-3500 Square feet in a church or industrial bldg If you know of any space available please let any of your Board Members know and we will take a look. Below are all current board members and their email addresses for you to contact
Please remember, that as of 7am Monday July 1,2024, all meetings will be in the house. We will not have access to the warehouse any longer. Please enter thru the front door. Mtg secretaries, please contact me for access code
Mark Roberts ~President
June 11th, 2024
The club will be raffling off a lifetime membership at the farewell dinner on June 22! You do not need to be present to win!!! Raffle tickets are $100.00 per entry, and the grand prize is a lifetime membership worth $1500.00! But, everyone who enters, will win a one year membership or extension to their existing membership! Contact me directly if you are interested. Sale opens today!!! And will close 5 min before end of Dinner Meeting!
The club is in negotiations to rent back the house portion of the bldg to hold our meetings for a minimum of 6 months starting July 1,2024. This will give us some breathing room to find our forever home! Stay tuned. The details are being worked out and as soon as they are I will post to this site! Thank you all for your patience.
Mark Roberts ~President
May 15th, 2024
The board has decided to open up the next few board mtgs to anyone who would like to attend, members or not! We will be doing this so that others within our recovery groups who rely on RMC for their safe mtgs, can ask and have their questions answered about the upcoming move. Please note, that only board members can make motions,and vote on anything! Would love to see you all there.
Next meeting is Sunday, June 9th. The meetings are hybrid!!!
Mark Roberts ~President
May 11th, 2024
Dear RMC Members,
I hope this message finds you well. I want to address recent developments regarding our current RMC building. As you may be aware, the building is being sold by its owners, who have been steadfast supporters of our cause since 1998, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic.
Despite this change, I am thrilled to assure you that our club remains resilient and committed. We are continuing our operations without interruption, and we have some exciting fundraising events on the horizon! Change can be daunting, but it also brings opportunities for growth and renewal. Together, we will navigate this transition and emerge stronger on the other side.
Here are some key points:
Building Transition: Our lease ends on June 30th, and we are actively searching for a new location. Your input is invaluable, so please keep your eyes open for potential leads or suggestions.
Contact Information: If you have any leads or questions, feel free to reach out to us at
Board Meeting: Our next board meeting is scheduled for May 12th at 12:30 pm. It is open to all RMC Members who are current on their membership dues ($10/month or $100/year). Your participation is highly encouraged, so please consider joining us.
Thank you for your unwavering support. Together, we will embrace this change and continue to thrive as a community.